Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When Is It Worth It...

Sometimes it is very easy to determine whether something is worth your time and effort or if you should just pass. Is this job worth the money? Is it the career I want? Will it get me the dream job that I've always wanted? Is this my dream job or is it just some horrible nightmare? What the he'll did I do in a past life to deserve this? =)

A job is a job, which could be a career or it could just be something you do to pass the time between the hours of 8 and 5. You go to work, do what needs to be done and collect a pay cheque every two weeks. Sometimes you work hard, stay late and feel like your drowning in paperwork, or in my case, line drawings on a computer. I suppose if I printed out every single piece of work that I did, I could literally be drowning too. Other times, you sit there staring at a screen, or three, and suddenly you realize that you have no idea how long you have been wandering off into nothing and it's lunch time. I think everyone has their own guilty pleasure...Facebook, Twitter, etc. It's amazing how many hours one can kill at work without actually doing any work.

So what makes it worth it?

The pay can always be better. The perks can always be larger and more enticing. There's always a better boss, better assistant and nicer coworkers. An office with a view, company car, increased vacation time...On the other hand, there are hundreds of companies with horrible management, terrible support, pitiful pay and lame coworkers.

I guess the real question is which company do you work for and what would it take for you to move on? Is the security of a pay cheque enough to keep you working in a sub-par environment? At what point do you wake up in the morning and just say to yourself, "It's just not worth it", then roll over and go back to sleep?

What is the breaking point?

Maybe it should be when you reach the point of asking yourself why you are there, every single morning at 8:15AM.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My New Best Friend.....

The wait was finally over.....
I bit the bullet and opened my wallet...
A whole lot of money came out...
And an iPad2 fell into my hands...


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Being overrated...

What is original now?
It seems like everything 'new' is recycled from another lifetime.
Has it really all been done before? Sometimes I feel like it has.

What do you need to do to stand out?  To be noticed?
What sets you apart from everyone else?  What makes me different...special....

I think I feel a little less original every day...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Work's Influence on Life's Rituals....

I work, approximately, 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. 
I still glance at emails on my Blackberry over the weekend because I hate walking into a shit-storm on Monday morning. 
I tend to live out of a suitcase, bounce from airport to airport, and a nice home cooked meal rarely occurs more than once a week. 
I carry two phones, two laptops and have essentially two of everything you would ever need in a toiletries bag, (one stays at home, the other never gets unpacked)
I almost always forget my bathing suit.
I hate checking a bag, so I never have shampoo, conditioner or body wash.  I rely heavily on the hotel for this.

The one thing, aside from clothing, that I never forget to pack is this:

 It's my pill box.  Not filled with daily pills as the labels might imply.  Instead I like to keep a decent supply of the following:
  • Advil - because headaches, especially migraines, are no fun
  • Calcium Pills - I think these are in here because at one time I thought I should be taking them.  
  • Multivitamins - there is always someone on the plane who is sick and you're stuck sharing air with them.
  • Immodium - no one wants to be on the road with the runs
  • Robaxacet - we all know that plane rides are never comfortable and are killer on your back
  • Gravol - Some people take for nausea, I take them to help sleep on large time zone differences
  • More Advil - because you can never have too much...
When you are on the road as much as I am, you don't have time to find the nearest drug store.  You don't have time because you're now working 14hr days and every meals comes from a drive thru.

This isn't my entire life, just a portion of it.  But right now, I'm in a hotel, alone, and this is all I can think of writing about.

Monday, March 7, 2011

At a Loss for Words....

Some just don't know what to say and never say anything.
Some have too much to say and always say everything.
And some wait too long and their idea is hollow.

It no longer applies, the thought is gone and the point is moot.
If you always speak your mind, you're too opinionated and overbearing.
If you never get it out, you're too quiet and a pushover.
The Opinionated overbear the Stoic and force them into a deeper silence.

When will we get to the point where we listen as much as we speak?
Eliminate the oppression of the Outspoken and Liberate the Silent.

Monday, November 22, 2010

It's Okay To Be Away...

When I Fly Away,
It Won't Bother Me,
Because Going Away,
Means Coming Back To You....
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Monday, November 8, 2010

Within My Mind...

I have my best thoughts when I'm alone. Real epiphanies.
I usually forget them by the time someone comes around.
Which makes me think...maybe they are like trees that fall in the woods when no one is around, because life goes on as if they never really happened at all.
If you don't remember it, how can it change your life?
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5